Tuesday, August 3, 2010

One-Time Gifts Revisited

Though it's been a little while since my last post I'm pleased to report that the number of needed sponsorships has dropped from our original goal of 123 down to 110. We've been thrilled and blessed to hear from a number of people who are passionate about saving the lives of children in Tanzania and we are thankful for every gift that's been made so far.

Though monthly sponsorships are a key element to sustain the program for years to come, we've also received some excellent questions about the need for one-time gifts. Already we've been contacted by individuals who have had garage sales, and also from others who have hosted birthday parties where donations to the CSP have been given in place of traditional gifts.

Almost every time the question has been asked, "Am I able to donate this money to the project?" Our answer, of course, is an enthusiastic, "Yes!"

We realize, however, that the link to Compassion's Anslay Church of God website appears to only offer the ability to give in monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual increments. However, the opportunity to give on a one-time basis is certainly available and is equally secure. Since I previously wrote about this back in June, I think the best thing is to provide you with that link which offers step-by-step instructions, complete with screen shots from each key portion of the website.

We are also available to answer any questions you might have about the site or any other aspect of the project, so feel free to e-mail us at thompsonwriting@att.net. We continue to feel so thankful as we partner with you to fund this project and share the love of Christ with so many who live a world away. It's even inspired us to come up with our own unique and creative ways to raise funds as well, and we'll be sharing much more about those plans in the coming days and weeks.

As always, this project is the Lord's "house" to build and these mothers and children belong to the One who sits on the throne at the right hand of the Father. We are confident in His abundant provision and grace as we continue to walk forward with you on this journey. God bless you and thank you for giving!

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