Hi Everybody,
Well, I know it's been a little while since I last posted. Strike that. It's been a long, long time since I've given any updates on what's been taking place in the ongoing efforts to fully fund the Anslay Church of God Child Survival Program. Trust me though when I tell you that the Lord has continued to do some amazing things to provide for these dear families in Mbulu, Tanzania.
As of this week we've learned that there are 45 mothers and their children being ministered to in the Anslay CSP, and that we are only 39 monthly sponsorships away from reaching full funding! God has opened so many doors and provided in so many ways over the past few months and He continues to do so.
About a year ago I told you about a girl living in Upstate New York named Chiara Salati who also had a burden to speak to others on behalf of the moms and babies of Mbulu. Well, this week she e-mailed to tell us that her church had given her the green light to share about the Anslay CSP with the congregation this weekend. We are so excited for this development and want to ask you to join with us as we pray that the Lord would use her mightily as she speaks.
Lastly, I'm happy to report that we continue to receive encouraging news directly from Mbulu itself and I want to leave you with a letter we've recently received from the Anlay CSP Senior Pastor, Augustino Halule. Join with us as we lift him and all who are in his care up in prayer.
My beloved friends,
Praise the Lord. I salute you in the name of the Lord.
My name is Augustino A. Halule. I am the Pastor in charge of Anslay Church of God which has a child survival Program TZC 16 which you are sponsoring. I am happy to give my hearty thanks for your support and kindness that helps the needy directly. May God continue to use you to partner with us in rescuing lives of pregnant mothers and these little children.
I would like to share with you some things the mothers were helped through Compassion at this center. We
continue to thank God for this service which enables mothers to come out from very difficult environment. Through your support the mothers and children's lives have been changed compared to others who are not in this program.
We thank God for bringing to us this ministry here at our church. This program was opened on 30th March 2010. At that time we were able to register 15 expectant mothers and 20 mothers with infants. These women were living in very difficult and unpromising environment which hinders the nourishment of the lives of mothers and babies. Up to now the program has one year and two months and all the pregnant mothers delivered safely.
This program has enabled 3 mothers to continue with secondary school studies and others have joined tailoring classes. This program also has helped the mothers to start keeping goats, pigs and chickens. The ones who joined the program with the knowledge of tailoring skills were given sewing machines and have already started to sew clothes at their living areas. Also the children always are brought to the stimulation room; they now look so different compared to children who are not registered.
So the church continues to thank you for the volunteering heart to help the needy in different ways in their
lives. I and other workers at the centre continue giving them spiritual teachings, balanced diet, entrepreneurship training, family planning knowledge and mother to child relationship.
They also get time to learn other things like choir and farming. We thank God that all the mothers who received Jesus as their personal savior last time are now doing well in Christ. It is my expectations to see these mothers and infants are helped and rescued as well as grow in good health and get economical deliverance.
I still need your prayers for these mothers so that God may give them vision to be more independent economically, socially, spiritually, mentally and in good health. Thank you for your good service to these needy people.
I wish you all the best in serving God,
Agustino A. Halule, Senior Pastor.
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