If you've ever wondered if your gifts and sponsorships to the Child Survival Program truly make a difference, there are a group of mother's from around the world who have a message just for you.
This is even more poignant for those who are helping support Anslay Church of God Child Survival Program in Mbulu, Tanzania.
After watching the video below for about the second time, my wife suddenly recognized what seemed to be a familiar face. Sure enough, after fetching our sponsorship packet materials she realized that Aurelia Akonaay from the video was of the 35 mothers currently being supported by the Anslay CSP. (She appears at the 1:24 mark.)
It was an astonishing discovery since I'd already planned on posting it anyhow, so seeing and hearing from a person we've been supporting and praying for, was simply icing on the cake!
Though this is a true encouragement in so many ways, the fact remains that many other mothers are waiting to receive the physical and spiritual support that this CSP can provide.
As this Mother's Day draws to a close, would you consider making a one time gift or becoming a monthly sponsor, perhaps in honor of your own mother or grandmother? Click here to make one time gift, or click here to become a monthly sponsor
Your generosity will ensure that Aurelia and others just like her will be able celebrate God's wonderful gift of motherhood for the months and years to come.
How wonderful having it be so personal! Love the video!